After reviewing and having a couple of field uses reported back. I’m gonna make some small changes to the contents of some of the kits.
Contents of the B.O.K. will be pretty much the same, we’re gonna include Phokus Frog Tape instead of the Gorilla Tape, and add Vaseline Gauze Bandage for Occlusive dressing purposes.

Also the design of the BOK pouch itself had a bit of a red-design. Addition of webbing pull tab to closure. The pouch is designed to be either worn on the belt or attached to MOLLE capable equipment with included MOLLE clasps.

Each of the BOK pouches is handmade to order.
As far as the P.T.K. Again, we’re swapping the Gorilla Tape for Phokus Frog Tape.
These changes have been made off of feedback directly from you guys. Solatac is always looking to get better and always looking to bring you real world solutions with out selling you Wally World Tier Filler.