Let’s be honest for a few minutes. In the First Response/First Aid end of the internet there is a metric fuckton of grifters. There are HUGE companies out there that are going to sell you useless filler to inflate their profit margin, at a net negative to you. The End User. The poor bastard who cut his leg open with a chainsaw or God forbid ate a round.

SOLATAC’s Kits’s are things that I have personally used over 12 years in the EMS Field. Are they the latest and greatest? No. Are they proven solutions? Yes. These are things that I personally used on a regular basis. Keep It Simple.

Here is what SOLATAC is never going to do. We/I will never sell you useless shit in a fancy MOLLE package because that is what’s popular and turns over product.

No one made the particular pouch I wanted for our Blow Out Kit. So now we make them one at a time, in house, in Louisiana. By Fucking Hand. If they aren’t right, they get trashed, I’m not going to ask any of you to spend money that you worked for on something that is substandard. It might take a few days longer, but it’s quality.

You’ve seen the prices of the Big Guys. Compare that to SOLATAC and figure out what is the better value. That is literally why I started this company. SOLATAC is here to provide proven solutions to real world problems.

If you think that you are getting a better product or a better value with someone else. Do business with them. Hell, if I found a company that offered better kit at a better price, I’ll point you towards them.

Lastly, if you aren’t satisfied with one of our products or you have an idea for a kit that you PERSONALLY need. Get in touch me. I’ll build what you need at a fair price.

I love you all, Thank you for helping to make SOLATAC a thing
